Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Culture is Unique!


Arabic is the official language of Saudi Arabia, but English is generally spoken. English is use has the second language in schools.

Muslims, the followers of Islam, believed in one God (Allah) and that Muhammad is His Prophet.

The Prophet Muhammad is seen as the last of God's emissaries to bring revelation to mankind.
Muhammad brought the last book, called “the Quran.”

Among certain obligations for Muslims are to pray five times a day - at noon, afternoon, sunset, and evening. The exact time is listed in the local newspaper each day. Friday is the Muslim holy day. Everything is closed.

During the holy month of Ramadan all Muslims must fast from dawn to dusk and are only permitted to work six hours per day. Each night at sunset, families and friends gather together to celebrate the breaking of the fast .The celebrations often continue until night.
Meeting Etiquette:
- Good friends may greet each other with a handshake and a kiss on each cheek.
-Women generally hug and kiss close friends.
-Men and women would not greet each other in public.
-When Saudis greet each other they take their time and converse about general things.

Gift Giving Etiquette:
- If you are invited to a Saudi's house bring something small as a thank you.
-Flowers do not make good gifts from a man, although a woman could give them to her hostess.  
-Gifts are not opened when received.

Dining Etiquette:
-Entertainment will generally be same-sex only. If both sexes are included, they will be in separate rooms.
-You would usually remove your shoes.
-Dress conservatively.
-Show respect for the elders by greeting them first.
-If the meal is on the floor, sit cross-legged or kneel on one knee.
-Eat only with the right hand as the left is considered unclean.

The religion and customs of Saudi Arabia dictate conservative dress for both men and women.

-As a general rule, men should wear long trousers and shirts that cover the upper torso.-

Women wear long dress, so that it can cover every part of the body. They have to cover every part of their body.

Prayers inside the Grand mosque in Mecca.

 Every year for 14 centuries, Muslim from all over the world gather in Makah to pray in unity and perform rituals based on those conducted by the Prophet Muhammad during his last visit to the city.

  -The Traditional Wedding Dance-


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